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How to use Metal Cutting Saws Correctly and Safely

Always take extreme caution when operating any type of metal cutting saw, as the blade is extremely sharp and the machinery can be very heavy. Before setting up your saw, ensure you are wearing safety glasses to protect your eyes as well as earmuffs or earbuds to protect your ears from the high noise levels.

If you will be cutting through metal, it is best to choose a blade that has several teeth along the outer rim. It is also important to make sure the blade you are using is in good condition. If any signs of damage can be seen on the saw, it should be replaced.

We recommend using metalworking fluid with your cold saws and bandsaws. This fluid acts as an effective coolant system to provide an excellent surface finish while cutting. This lubrication will also extend the life of your blade by inhibiting corrosion.

You should protect yourself from any moving parts by setting safety guards on the machine. Once you are ready to place the item that needs to be cut under your cold saw, bandsaw or T.C.T. saw, make sure you firmly clamp it in the machine vice. The piece you are working on should not yet be against the blade before running the machine.

Once everything is set up correctly and the material to be cut is securely in place, it is time to start cutting. As you are cutting the material, never force the blade to cut as it may cause the blade to break. If set up correctly, the blade should cut the material easily without any force.

For more specific information on how to operate a particular metal cutting saw model, please refer to the product manual.

Our Metal Cutting Bandsaws are available from our Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth warehouses and we have local distributors in Sydney, Darwin, Canberra, Hobart and Adelaide. ITM supply band saw's Australia wide.


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